

The Home tab in your workspace is the most convenient place to find your upcoming sessions, recently used rooms, and most recent recaps.

Your Butter dashboard
Your Butter dashboard

Navigating your workspace Home

The Home tab gives you an at-a-glance view of what’s going on in your Butter workspace.

Here, you’ll find a dashboard with:

Start sessions instantly


You can start sessions in any room directly from the dashboard! Just click on ‘Start session’ and select which room you want to have it in.

Plan upcoming sessions

We’ve made it easier than ever to set up your Butter sessions on Google Calendar. Just click on 'Connect calendar' on your dashboard to get started!


With it, you can:

  • Add Butter links to your upcoming sessions: Simply click 'Add Butter link' and select which room you want to add.
  • Schedule new events directly from your Butter dashboard: Click on 'Plan Session,' select your room, invite participants, and fill in the details.

See upcoming sessions

These are the live and upcoming Butter sessions that are scheduled in your Google Calendar.

To learn how to connect your Google Calendar with Butter, see:


If you don’t use Google Calendar, you can select ‘I don’t use Google Calendar’ to remove this section.

Access recently used rooms

These are the rooms in your workspace that you most recently joined. If you haven’t created a room yet, you can also create a new room from this section.


For more details on rooms, see


This section only includes the rooms you joined. To access all the rooms in your team’s workspace, select ‘All rooms’.

Access your latest recaps


from the sessions you most recently joined. You can also access all publicly available recaps in your workspace by selecting ‘All recaps’.

This section also only shows you the recaps for sessions you joined. To access all your recaps, select ‘All rooms’.

See your latest workspace templates

This lists all the latest

that’s been created by your team in the workspace. Use it to get inspiration on agendas, blocks and tools your team has created - and copy it to your personal library when needed!


Workspace Home FAQ

How do I get my upcoming Butter sessions in the “Next up” section?

To see your upcoming Butter sessions, connect your Google Calendar with Butter. You can learn how here:


When connecting your calendar, make sure to select and give permissions to Butter to access your Google Calendar.


Do all workspace sessions/recaps show up in the Home tab?

No, only the sessions that are in your calendar, rooms that you recently used, and recaps for sessions you attended.

Your workspace’s public rooms or rooms you’ve been invited to collaborate on are accessible from the Rooms section. See

for more details.

As of right now, you can only access recaps for sessions you’ve participated in. See

for more details.