

Save your favorite agendas, blocks, and tools to your personal or workspace Library —then access them from any room or session.

Your library items can be shared to everyone in your workspace, making it easy to share tools with your team.

You can also share your library items for anyone outside your workspace. So if you've built the ultimate Design Sprint agenda or the best icebreaker flashcard deck, share it!

🎥 Video tour: Butter Library

Here’s a 2-minute tour from Jakob on how to use the Library:

1. Saving items to your Library

You can copy any agenda, block, or tool to your Library for reuse later. This creates a template that anyone in your workspace can use later in any room.

To make your library templates easier to find later, you’ll be asked to give them:

  • a name
  • a description
  • a cover photo
Note: When you save an item to your Library, it creates a new copy. They are not synced together. If you edit the Library copy, it doesn’t impact the original, and vice versa.

You can save Library items from one of two places:

1.2 From a Butter room

If you’ve set up an awesome room and want to reuse some of your items elsewhere, head to that room’s setup.

Saving an agenda

To save an agenda:

  • Starting from the room setup, navigate to the ‘Agenda’ tab
  • click ‘Edit Agenda’ to open up the Agenda Planner
  • click the ‘...’ menu
  • click+ Add to Library

Saving a block

To save a block:

  • Starting from the room setup, navigate to the ‘Agenda’ tab
  • click ‘Edit Agenda’ to open up the Agenda Planner
  • click into the agenda block you want to copy
  • click the ‘...’ menu
  • click+ Add to Library

Saving a tool

To save a tool:

  • Starting from the room setup, navigate to the ‘Toolbox’ tab
  • click ‘...’ on the relevant tool
  • click + Add to Library

2. From the Butter Template Gallery

We also have tons of awesome pre-made templates in the Butter Template Gallery. 🙌


In it, you can:

  • Find useful templates based on popular categories
  • Search for what you're looking for based on keywords
  • Filter through templates based on tool type, skill level and duration
  • Preview the template content before adding it to your room or library

To learn how to add a Templates from there, check out: Template Gallery: Get inspiredTemplate Gallery: Get inspired.

Managing your Library

Your workspace’s Templates is accessible from the Templates sidebar item on your Butter dashboard.


From here, you can tab between your saved agendas, blocks, and tools, filter by category, and search for items.

You can also filter by:

  • The item owner: These are your own Templates and those made by others in your workspace.
  • Tags: These are purely for organizational purposes and can be whatever you’d like.

For Templates you own, you can select ‘...’ to edit the item or its Template info, share the item, duplicate it, or delete it:


2. Using your Templates

Now that you’ve added stuff to your Templates, it’s time to use all that stuff! 🥳

You can use your Templates in two ways:

2.1 From a room

To add your items to a room, head to the Agenda or Toolbox tab.

Using an agenda

If you haven’t set up an agenda yet, you will see a selection of your saved Template agendas, ready to be selected. Click ‘Use Agenda’ or ‘Preview’ to add an agenda to the room.


Boom, it’s that easy! 💥

Using a tool

To add a tool from your Templates, head to Toolbox, then ‘Add Tool’. Select the tool category you want, and then you’ll be given the choice of creating a new tool or selecting a saved tool from your Templates:


2.2 From a session

You can also access your Templates during a live session.

Just click ‘Templates’ from the right panel, and voilá! All your agendas, blocks, and tools are ready to be used.

Just hover over the tool you want and click ‘Use [agenda/block/tool]’.


3. Sharing Templates

You know what they say about Templates: they’re way more fun with other people. Okay, so maybe nobody says that, but this is one Template you don’t have to keep quiet.

To share an item in your Templates, just click ‘...’ and ‘Share this [Agenda/Block/Tool]’. Then, just copy the link and share away!

When someone uses the link, they’ll be invited to copy your Template.


4. Template workspace roles and permissions

Everything in your Templates is visible to all members of your workspace.

What people can do with Templates differs slightly be their role:

  • Owners and admins can add/edit their own items, share Templates, and delete any Templates.
  • Non-owner and admin members can add/edit their own items and share Templates. They can not delete Templates.

5. Butter Templates FAQ

How do I find specific Templates I’ve saved?

Can I access my Templates during a session?

Can I add a Miro board, MURAL, or Google Doc to my Templates?

If I save an agenda to my Templates, do all the blocks and tools in that agenda save to my Templates too?

Who in my workspace can see my Templates?

Do Templates sync with the original version I copied?

How do I use Templates that have been shared with me?

Can I edit Templates created by my workspace team members?

← Back to overview

Get your own copy!

You can only edit Templates you own. If you want to edit someone else’s Templates, duplicate it first and then edit that copy.

However, workspace owners and admins can delete other team member’s Templates.