

Annotation lets you draw on your screen while you’re sharing your screen or presenting a PDF.

🎥 Video tour: Annotate your screen

Here’s a tour from Jakob on how to draw on your Butter screen.

How to annotate your screen

Annotation is available when you’re:

To activate the annotation toolbar, click the ‘Annotate screen’ icon in the bottom-right corner of the app window:


On your annotation toolbar, from left to right, you have:

  • Enable for participants: Only facilitators can annotate by default, but you can toggle on access for everybody to draw together.
  • Line thickness: Choose a thicker or thinner pen.
  • Line color: Choose your line color.
  • Close annotation: Turn off annotations (for everyone).

Your drawings will automatically erase 5 seconds after you’ve stopped drawing, or when you click ‘Close annotation’.

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