Highlight Mode

Highlight Mode

Need to put all the attention on someone’s video? Then Spotlight Mode is what you're looking for! With Spotlight Mode, you can enlarge the video of one or more participants and minimize the rest. It’s perfect for giving a presentation or hosting a Q&A.

🎥 Video Explainer: Spotlight Mode

Here’s how to use Spotlight Mode in under 90 seconds. 👇

When to use Highlight Mode 💡

Highlight Mode is for moments when you want someone to take over the stage. It’s for when there are no slides to present, no videos to show, no boards to collaborate on—just a lot of you!

Highlight Mode is great when you want to:

  • verbally introduce the next workshop activity
  • deliver a magnificent monologue
  • host a Q&A session or a panel
  • have a cozy fireside chat
  • give group presentations after breakout sessions
  • give a special guest the extra attention they deserve

Put someone in the spotlight

To put one or more people in the spotlight, just click ‘Share’ and click the ‘+’ icon next to whoever you want to put in the spotlight and hit ‘Update Spotlight’.

Add people to the spotlight

Once the spotlight has started, you can add more people to the stage at any time. Simply click ‘+ Add people’ in the Spotlight Mode to bring them on-stage!

Remove people from the spotlight

To remove one person from the spotlight, just click the ‘X’ next to their name.

To remove everyone from the spotlight, click the ‘X’ in the top-right corner of the video grid.

Spotlight Mode FAQ

How many people can be in the spotlight at once?

Is Spotlight Mode visible on mobile?

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