
Personal Settings

Your personal settings are where you can manage your personal Butter account. Here, you can set your display name, profile picture, personal preferences for app behavior and in-session settings, email notifications, and audio and video defaults. You can also change your login email, change your password, or delete your account.

1. General

The General personal settings tab is where you manage your general account settings.

Change your display name

This will be your default display name when you join a session. You’ll have the option to change this before each session when you’re in the waiting room.

Select your profile picture or avatar

This will be your picture when you join a session. You can upload a profile image or use one of our fun pre-made avatars. You can also change your profile picture or avatar before a session in the waiting room.

For profile pictures, you can upload a png or jpeg with a maximum size of 1200 x 1200 px.


Update your account email


Change your password

If you’re not logged into Butter with a Google account, here’s where you can change your Butter password.

Delete your account

If you want to delete your Butter account, go to Settings > Personal and click ‘Delete account’ (But we think that would be a no-good, terrible idea 😉.)


You will need to confirm your password to delete your account.

Deleting your account is not possible from the mobile app. You can delete your account on desktop with the instructions above, and it proceed to delete the mobile app from your homescreen.

2. Preferences

The preferences tab are where you can change the default app and in-session settings based on what suits you.


This is where you can change some of the default app settings, such as:

  • opening rooms directly in the desktop app
  • default rooms used for Slack and Google integrations, and
  • default language for transcriptions and closed captions.

Just head to Settings > Personal, and set up your default preferences!


In-session personalisation

If you find some of the Butter features a bit distracting, you can also change your personal settings to fit your preference—from turning off GIFs, chat popups, big emoji reactions, and more!

We’ve built this tool with engagement in mind, but understand that some styles don’t work for everyone. 😊


3. Notifications

The Notifications tab is where you can control which emails we send you. You can subscribe or unsubscribe from either email option at any time.

Subscribe to Butter email updates

We like to send out occasional emails to keep you up to date on product updates and important changes to your account.

Subscribe to session recap emails

We’ll email you a session recap after each session you attend, including your personal notes.


4. Audio & Video

The Audio & Video tab is where you can set your default camera and microphone settings. You can change your audio and video settings during a session too.

Change your default microphone (input)

Here’s where you can select your default microphone. You can also test your microphone here with the Input Level bar.


Change your default speaker (output)

By default, your audio output will follow your system’s audio settings (i.e. whichever speaker or headphones you’re using at the time).

If you want to override the system settings, you can turn off the switch and choose a default output device.


Change your camera

You can also choose your default camera and test it out. You can also choose to mirror your video or not.

Having microphone, speaker or camera troubles?

If your devices aren’t showing up correctly, try our Troubleshooting tool.

Personal Settings FAQ


How do I change my Butter display name and profile picture?


How do I change my Butter email or password?


How do I delete my Butter account?


Can I have different personal settings for each workspace?

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