Cron and Butter

Cron and Butter

Cron is a beautiful calendar that works both in your browser and as a standalone app. And best of all, you can easily use Butter links when planning from Cron ✨ See more:

Setting up Butter in Cron

  1. You will need to set up an account on Cron.
  2. When logged in, go to Settings by clicking your profile in the top right or clicking G then S.
  3. In settings, go to Conferencing.
  4. Click to add a custom link, add a name and paste your Butter link.
  5. Done ✅

Bonus: You can set up as many Butter links in Cron as you like!

Setting up Butter in Cron

Scheduling a session from Cron

Once you have your Butter links set up it is super easy to schedule Butter sessions!

  1. Select a timeslot by dragging in the calendar or adding the time in the right sidebar.
  2. Select your desired Butter link in ‘Conferencing’
  3. Done ✅
Scheduling Butter sessions in Cron


Is there a native Butter Cron integration?

Not yet. But you can easily set up to use Butter links in Cron without an integration.